Thursday, March 10, 2005

What About Us?

All this talk about Eliot has made me think: Where are the Canadians? Who is our hero? Don't we have some great modern writers that should be canonized in the mainstream? For example, the modern movements that people like the Montreal Automatists took part in. Seems like I'd have to take a very specific course to even hear about those guys: An upper level course, or Canadian literature course, perhaps.

I know it's difficult to judge this situation because Canada's "literary development" has taken some more time than, say, America's has. For example, the Toronto we have today- with the international credit it has in arts and literature- was not that way some fifty years ago. It took a lot of hard work to get noticed. Arguably, our modernist writers (except for Margaret Atwood) simply were "not as influential".

But what decides which writers are to be "influential"? If Eliot was a Canadian, would his writing be "the turning point of literature" or "THE critique of Western civilization" as it is known to be today? I'm doubtful. How has the academic "media" shaped this outcome? Is "literature" based on decisions made by particular people who claim objectivity in a box that is actually quite relative?

Any thoughts on this...?


Anonymous said...

Dear Sabrina,

I am in one of your classes, and find your writing to be impeccable.

Maybe you'd like to meet up some time for some coffee?

Let me know,


Anonymous said...


I completely forgot to give you something to reach me with.

here's my email:

hope to hear from you soon!


Anonymous said...

When I first came to Canada, there was a plethora of really fine poets being celebrated. But as one of them informed, Canada's is a funny literary culture: as soon as you are dead, you are forgotten!
This may be why there are no heroes except living ones. (Wait for Leonard Cohen to be forgotten as soon as he dies.) For the record, here are some names I thought excellent in various ways:
Irving Layton
Eli Mandel
Margaret Avison
P.K. Page
Phyllis Webb
Gwendolyn McEwen
Elizabeth Smart
Anne Wilkinson
A.J.M. Smith
And in novels:
Robertson Davies (world class)
Timothy Findley
Michael Ondaatje
W.O. Mitchell
Hugh Maclennan
You will notice I have left out M*rg*r*t Atw**d, whom I cannot read.